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The Consultative Committee is the forum in which the management of Liverpool John Lennon Airport interacts with local public agencies, with the local business and residential communities, with local Councils of all levels and with Airport users on a range of environmental and other airport issues.  Established pursuant to section 35 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982 the role of the Committee is defined in its Terms of Reference as follows:

  • to advise Liverpool Airport Ltd on any matter which it may refer to the Committee;
  • to consider any question in connection with the operation of the Airport as it affects the communities represented or the amenities of the neighbourhood;
  • to make suggestions to the Managing Director of Liverpool Airport Ltd on any matter connected with the administration of the Airport which could further the interests of the communities represented;
  • to stimulate the interests of the local population in the development of the Airport; and
  • to protect and enhance the interests of the users of the Airport.

As stated in the Government's Guidelines on Consultative Commmitees it is not intended that consultation through the Committee should detract from the responsibility of management to manage the Airport. Rather the aim is to provide an effective forum for the discussion of all matters concerning the development or operation of the Airport, "which have an impact on the users of the aerodrome and on people living and working in the surrounding areas".


The Committee's constitution and membership is set out in its Standing Orders. To view the Constitution, click here


The Committee has a number of members drawn from a range of bodies on both sides of the Mersey - these are listed on the Committee Members page. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee are appointed by the Committee.  While holding office the Chairman does not represent the organisation or interests on whose behalf he or she was appointed to the Committee and the appointing organisation is invited to appoint a substitute Member.

The Committee's Secretary is Mike A. Jones, of Wirral Council, who runs the Committee's day to day administration - see our Contacts page.

Membership details are kept in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016. The Privacy Notice can be viewed here.


The meetings are held quarterly at the Airport. They are open to members of the public and to the press. The Agenda for each meeting and the Minutes are available to view and download - click here.

Sub Committees

There are two standing sub-committees:

The Noise Monitoring Sub Committee

The current terms of reference of this sub-committee are as follows:

  • to be a technical sub-committee of the Liverpool John Lennon Airport Consultative Committee.
  • to meet when required (but at least quarterly).
  • to act within the technical role identified within the Section 106 Agreement (dated 13 November 2000 between the Airport Company and Liverpool City Council), in particular to consider and progress issues related to the Airport’s proposed:-
    • Quiet Operations Policy
    • Noise Monitoring and Track Keeping System
    • Preferred Noise Routes
    • Sound Insulation Grant Scheme
    • Quota Count System
  • to ensure that the reports required to be prepared each year for the Consultative Committee are submitted in accordance with the S106 Agreement, and to advise the Committee as necessary on Noise and Environmental issues.”

The General Purposes Sub-Committee

This meets as required to:

  • consider in detail matters relating to Liverpool John Lennon Airport and the Consultative Committee, and, where necessary, to make appropriate recommendations to the Liverpool John Lennon Airport Consultative Committee; and
  • deal with matters of urgency on behalf of the Consultative Committee where a decision is required before the next available meeting of the Committee.

The members of these sub-committees are drawn from a range of organisations - see the Committee Members page for details.

UK Airport Consultative Committees - UKACCs

Liverpool John Lennon Airport Consultative Committee is a member of the liaison group of UK Airport Consultative Committees (UKACCs) which brings together 23 airport consultative committees (ACCs) from the UK's largest airports to discuss matters of common interest and to share best practice and concerns. For more information see the UKACCs website.